Legal Notices
This website is operated by
Sensatronic GmbH
represented by the General Manager Jens Schwarz
Am Ring 9
D-23970 Wismar
Registered in the Schwerin Commerce Department HRB 7639. International Tax Reference DE813269030.
Responsible for the content of these pages is
Jens Schwarz
+49 (0) 3841 - 22 52 440
The information made available to you by Sensatronic GmbH within this internet presentation has been carefully collected and is currently updated. Although, we cannot grant complete correctness. Sensatronic GmbH excludes any liability with regard to accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information made available, and reserves the right to effect modifications or amendments to the available information at any time and without further notice. Also, liability is clearly excluded for statements made for future prospects.